750+ Turkey Names (Clever, Cool, Funny, Pet & Thanksgiving Names For Turkeys)
Strutting in the barnyard with as much pomp as a parade, turkeys are feathered royalty that deserve names as gr& as their fan-like plumage.
Whether ya’re gearing up for a festive celebration or just want to add a touch of character to yar flock, a great name can make yar turkey the talk of the town (or at least the talk of the coop).
From the playful to the traditional, we’ve plucked out a flock of good turkey names that are sure to ruffle some feathers, but in the best possible way.
Let’s talk turkey.
Clever Turkey Names
Get ready to ruffle some feathers with wit.
These turkey names are plucked for their clever turns of phrase, & are perfect for those birds that are always thinking one step ahead of the farmer.
- Archimedes
- Aristotle
- Bafflewing
- Banterbeak
- Beaker Peeker
- Bogglebeak
- Brainfeather
- Brainy Birdie
- Cleverbird
- Cogito
- Copernicus
- Curie
- Darwin
- DaVinci
- Descartes
- Edison
- Eggbert Einstein
- Enigma
- Erudite Ernie
- Euclid
- Feathered Spock
- Fermat
- Feynman
- Fibonacci
- Freud
- Galileo
- Gobbledygook
- Gobblestein
- Hawking
- Heisenberg
- Hubble
- Jive Clive
- Kepler
- Logic Larry
- Mendel
- Newton
- Pascal
- Peckasus
- Philosofowl
- Plato
- Plume Sayer
- Puzzler Plume
- Pythagoras
- Quizzicle
- Quizzy
- Riddlebeak
- Sagan
- Sage Strutter
- Schrödinger
- Sir Clucksalot
- Smarty Drumstick
- Smarty Pants
- Socrates
- Tesla
- Thinkerbird
- Thinkle Gobble
- Turing
- Wattle Wiz
- Whizgiggle
- Wittycle
- Wozniak
Turkey Pun Names
While they definitely fall under the definition of “clever,” we think turkey pun names are a category unto themselves.
So, if ya’re looking to ruffle feathers with wit that’s a cut above the rest, these pun-tastic turkey names are the stuffing of legends.
- Albert Eggstein
- Baste-ian
- Beak Arthur
- Beakon Van Gogh
- Beaktrice Potter
- Bird Reynolds
- Birdie S&ers
- Cluck Norris
- Cluckleberry Finn
- Eggbert Einstein
- Eggcelsior
- Feather Franklin
- Feather Locklear
- Feathered Astaire
- Flapper Jack
- Fowlard Hughes
- GobbleGump
- Gobblert Downey Jr.
- Gobbleston Churchill
- Gravy Garfield
- Gregory Peck
- Hen Solo
- Henjamin Franklin
- Jimmy Talon
- Nestor
- Oprah Wingfrey
- Peckasso
- Plucky Luke
- Plume McCartney
- Poultry Hunter
- Poultrygeist
- Puff Daddy
- Quentin Taranturkey
- Quill Clinton
- Quilliam Shakespeare
- Reese Featherspoon
- Roost Bader Ginsburg
- Sir Pecks-a-lot
- Sizzleclaw
- Snood Dogg
- Stuffington Post
- Tailfeather Tchaikovsky
- Talon Swift
- Thighson
- Tom Gobbler
- Turducken
- Turkenstein
- Turkules
- Wattle Walt
- Wing Gretzky
- Wingfield Scott
- Wingston Churchill
- Yolkahontas
Cool Turkey Names
Strut into style with our collection of cool turkey names that are as fresh as a fall breeze & as slick as autumn leaves underfoot.
Perfect for the turkey with a bit of swagger in their waddle, these names are the epitome of barnyard cool.
- Achilles
- Agent Orange
- Amethyst
- Andromeda
- Aphrodite
- Apollo
- Ares
- Artemis
- Astra
- Athena
- Atlas
- Augustus
- Aurora
- Azalea
- Bacchus
- Balder
- B&it
- Baron
- Bellatrix
- Bishop Beak
- Brutus
- Buccaneer
- Caesar
- Calamity
- Calypso
- Captain Caruncle
- Carmilla
- Casanova
- Celestia
- Centurion Strut
- Chancellor Gobbleston
- Chief Toms
- Cleopatra
- Cluck H& Luke
- Colonel Corn
- Comm&er Wattles
- Commodus
- Conqueror
- Corsair
- Count Wattle
- Cowboy Cluck
- Crimson
- Dahlia
- Demeter
- Deputy Dindon
- Duke
- Dumbledore
- Eagle
- Earl
- Echo
- Eclipse
- Elektra
- Ember
- Enigma
- Everest
- Falcon
- Fauna
- Fern
- Freja
- Freyr
- Gaia
- Galaxia
- G&alf
- General Drumstick
- Genghis
- Gladiator Gobble
- Governor Gizzard
- Griffin
- Gunner
- Hades
- Halo
- Hawk
- Hecate
- Hector
- Hera
- Hercules
- Hestia
- Isis
- Jade
- Judge Jakes
- Juno
- Jupiter
- Kali
- Karma
- King
- Knight of the Round Egg
- Knightly
- Leonidas
- Loki
- Lord/Lady Featherington
- Luna
- Lynx
- Lyric
- Magnolia
- Major Tom
- Marquis de Gobble
- Maverick
- Maximus
- Meadow
- Medusa
- Mercury
- Merlin
- Minerva
- Moxy
- Musketeer
- Mystique
- Nebula
- Neptune
- Nero
- Ninja
- Noble
- Nova
- Nyx
- Oceana
- Odin
- Olympia
- Onyx
- Oracle
- Orion
- Patron Peacock
- Persephone
- Perseus
- Petal
- Pharaoh
- Phoenix
- Pilot Plume
- Pirate
- Pluto
- Poseidon
- President Plume
- Prince
- Prophet
- Pulsar
- Quasar
- Raina
- Ranger
- Raptor
- Raven
- Riptide
- River
- Rogue
- Romeo
- Sahara
- Samson
- Samurai
- Sapphire
- Sappho
- Sargent Peck
- Scout
- Selene
- Sequoia
- Seraphina
- Shadow
- Shaman
- Sheriff Spur
- Sir Gobbles
- Siren
- Skye
- Solaris
- Solstice
- Spartacus
- Spartan
- Spectra
- Stardust
- Starla
- Storm
- Sultan
- Talon
- Tempest
- Terra
- Thor
- Titan
- Trinity
- Trooper
- Tropicana
- Tundra
- Umbra
- Valkyrie
- V&al
- Vega
- Venus
- Vesper
- Vesta
- Vex
- Viking
- Viking
- Vortex
- Vulcan
- Warlock
- Widow
- Wizard
- Wraith
- Wrangler
- Zenobia
- Zephyr
- Zephyra
- Zeus
- Zorro
Funny Names for a Turkey
Is yar turkey the comedian of the coop? The jester of the barnyard bash?
Time to split yar side with these silly turkey names, some of whiich are really cluckin’ funny.
- Admiral Wingbar
- Baste Boss
- Captain Gobblepants
- Drumstick Dynamo
- Feather McFry
- Fluffernutter
- Fryer Tuck
- Giblet Gil
- Giblets N. Gravy
- Gobbleganger
- Gobbles McStrut
- Gobblestein
- Gobblet of Fire
- Gobblezilla
- Jerky Turkey
- Jive Turkey
- Lord of the Wings
- Mr. Snood
- Nugget Knight
- Pardon Me
- Pecking Order
- Peep Show
- Plucky Pete
- Prance-a-lot
- Rufflestiltskin
- Sideshow Bobble
- Sir Gobblesworth
- Snood Dude
- Squawk Box
- Sultan of Strut
- Tailfeather Ted
- Tails Featherly
- The Beakonator
- The Great Gobbler
- Tom Foolery
- Turkey McDoodledo
- Twerkey
- Wattle Wally
- Wattle Warrior
- Wattles McGooble
- Wing Comm&er
Female Turkey Names
With a flair for the dramatic & feathers that fascinate, meet the leading ladies of the barnyard.
Whether she’s the queen of the coop or the belle of the barn, these female turkey names are the perfect blend of charm & charisma.
- Abigail
- Adabelle
- Agnes
- Amber
- April
- Autumn
- Beatrix
- Bella
- Betsy
- Blossom
- Clementine
- Clover
- Constance
- Daisy
- Delilah
- Dolly
- Doris
- Edna
- Eloise
- Esmeralda
- Faye
- Fiona
- Florence
- Francine
- Gertie
- Gertrude
- Ginger
- Gloria
- Goldie
- Gracie
- Gretchen
- Harriet
- Hattie
- Hazel
- Heidi
- Henrietta
- Ingrid
- Iris
- Isla
- Ivy
- Jolene
- Josephine
- Joyce
- Katherine
- Kiki
- Layla
- Loretta
- Lucille
- Luna
- Mabel
- Marge
- Matilda
- Mimi
- Myrtle
- Nanette
- Nellie
- Nora
- Olive
- Opal
- Ophelia
- Patsy
- Peaches
- Pearl
- Penelope
- Phoebe
- Pixie
- Priscilla
- Queenie
- Quilla
- Quinn
- Ramona
- Rita
- Rosie
- Rowena
- Ruby
- Sabrina
- Sadie
- Scarlet
- Sienna
- Stella
- Sylvia
- Tallulah
- Tessa
- Thelma
- Tilly
- Unity
- Ursula
- Vanessa
- Velma
- Violet
- W&a
- Wendy
- Willow
- Winnie
- Xanthe
- Xena
- Yol&a
- Yvette
- Zara
- Zelda
Male Turkey Names
Strutting their stuff with gobble & gusto, the gents of the roost comm& attention.
From kings of the coop to d&ies of the farmyard, these male turkey names brim with poise & presence.
- Abner
- Algernon
- Ambrose
- Archibald
- Arnold
- Augustus
- Bart
- Bartholomew
- Basil
- Benedict
- Bernard
- Bertram
- Calvin
- Casper
- Cecil
- Cedric
- Chester
- Clarence
- Clifford
- Cornelius
- Darius
- Derek
- Douglas
- Duncan
- Edmund
- Elbert
- Elmer
- Elwood
- Ernest
- Eugene
- Eustace
- Ferdin&
- Francis
- Franklin
- Geoffrey
- Gerald
- Gilbert
- Gregory
- Hamilton
- Harold
- Herbert
- Horace
- Hubert
- Ignatius
- Irving
- Ivan
- Jarvis
- Jasper
- Jonah
- Kenneth
- Kurt
- Lawrence
- Leonard
- Lester
- Lionel
- Lucius
- Marvin
- Maxwell
- Melvin
- Milton
- Mortimer
- Neville
- Nigel
- Norbert
- Norman
- Oliver
- Orson
- Orville
- Oscar
- Oswald
- Palmer
- Patrick
- Percival
- Percy
- Quentin
- Quincy
- R&olph
- Raymond
- Reginald
- Roderick
- Rol&
- Rupert
- Seymour
- Sherman
- Simeon
- Stanley
- Stuart
- Thaddeus
- Tobias
- Toddrick
- Trevor
- Ulysses
- Vance
- Victor
- Vincent
- Wallace
- Walter
- Wendell
- Wilbur
- Xavier
- Zacharias
Famous Turkey Names
Strutting down the red carpet of the barnyard, there are a select few turkeys who have gobbled their way into the spotlight.
From the annual pardoning at the White House to the stars of Thanksgiving parades, these turkeys aren’t just yar average birds. These are the A-listers with feathers that shine & personalities that charm nations.
Get ready to meet the gobbling glitterati, the most famous turkeys that have ever fluffed their feathers in fame’s dazzling light.
Presidential Pardon Turkeys
Each year, since 1989, the White House has hosted a tradition as American as apple pie – the Presidential Turkey Pardon.
This heartwarming event sees the U.S. president sparing a lucky turkey from the Thanksgiving table in a ceremony full of feathers & fanfare. It’s also where many of our most famous turkey names come from.
Here are the presidential pardon turkey names going back to 2005:
- Chocolate – 2022
- Chip – 2022
- Peanut Butter – 2021
- Jelly – 2021
- Cob – 2020
- Corn – 2020
- Bread – 2019
- Butter – 2019
- Peas – 2018
- Carrots – 2018
- Drumstick – 2017
- Wishbone – 2017
- Tater – 2016
- Tot – 2016
- Honest – 2015
- Abe – 2015
- Mac – 2014
- Cheese – 2014
- Popcorn – 2013
- Caramel – 2013
- Cobbler – 2012
- Gobbler – 2012
- Liberty – 2011
- Peace – 2011
- Apple – 2010
- Cider – 2010
- Courage – 2009
- Carolina – 2009
- Pumpkin – 2008
- Pecan – 2008
- May – 2007
- Flower – 2007
- Flyer – 2006
- Fryer – 2006
- Marshmallow – 2005
- Yam – 2005
Pop Culture Turkeys
From the silver screen to the pages of our favorite books, a few turkeys have strutted their way into the limelight of popular culture.
These are the turkeys who’ve captured our hearts & tickled our funny bones in the world of entertainment.
- Gracias: From Gracias The Thanksgiving Turkey by Joy Cowley.
- Jake: The president & only member of the “Turkey Freedom Front” in Free Birds.
- Macy’s: The Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade turkey who doesn’t have a name, but is definitely iconic.
- Quirky Turkey: From the Thanksgiving-themed “The Quirk-ducers” episode of Bob’s Burgers.
- Reggie: The time-traveling turkey from Free Birds.
- Tom the Turkey: From the Thanksgiving-themed “Treehouse of Horror XIX” episode of The Simpsons.
- Turkey Lurkey: The turkey from “Chicken Little” who panics when he believes the sky is falling.
Best Names for Pet Turkeys
From the backyard to the barnyard, pet turkeys deserve names that are just as endearing & distinctive as their personalities.
Let’s get personal & find the pet turkey name that really captures the essence of yar fine feathered friend.
- Barley
- Bramble
- Bristle
- Clover
- Cobbler
- Duster
- Garnet
- Hawthorn
- Huckle
- Kernel
- Maple
- Marbles
- Nugget
- Patches
- Peck
- Puddle
- Quill
- Rustle
- Rye
- Sable
- Sage
- Sedge
- Thistle
- Tiller
- Umber
- Vetch
- Wattle
Cute Turkey Names
Get ready to melt into a puddle of goo, because these turkey names are the epitome of adorableness.
Reserved for the fluffiest & most tender-hearted of feathered friends, prepare yarself for a dose of sweetness that will make every day feel like Thanksgiving.
- Beanie
- Bitty
- Bonbon
- Boo
- Bubbles
- Butterbean
- Button
- Charm
- Cookie
- Cuddlefluff
- Cuddles
- Cupcake
- Doodle
- Fleece
- Fluffernutter
- Fluffy
- Fuzzball
- Gigglebeak
- Gingersnap
- Honeypot
- Jellybean
- Littlefoot
- Lolly
- Lovebug
- Marshmallow
- Muffin
- Nibbles
- Niblet
- Nuzzle
- Peaches
- Peachy
- Pebblypoo
- Peep
- Peepers
- Pipsie
- Pipsqueak
- Pixie
- Pompom
- Pudding
- Puffin
- Pumpkin
- Skittles
- Snickerdoodle
- Snickers
- Snugglebeak
- Snuggles
- Sparkle
- Sprinkles
- Squishy
- Sugarplum
- Sweetpea
- Taffy
- Tinkerbell
- Tinsel
- Tootles
- Tootsie
- Twinkle
- Twix
- Velvet
- Waddles
- Whiskers
- Wiggles
Names for Thanksgiving Turkey
As the leaves turn golden & the air chills, there’s one bird that steps into the spotlight, albeit briefly & with a certain… finality.
These are the names for our Thanksgiving turkeys, the guests of honor whose presence is fleeting, but unforgettable.
That’s right, this list is dedicated to our deliciously doomed feathered friends. May their names be as memorable as the feasts they grace.
- Admiral Autumn
- Archduke of Appetite
- Baroness Broiler
- Bishop Baster
- Captain Carve
- Count Cluckula
- Countess Cranberry
- Dame Drumstick
- Duchess of Dindon
- Duchess of the Deep Fry
- Duke of Basting
- Earl of Drumstick
- Esquire Featherbottom
- Friar Fryer
- Gr& Marshal Gobble
- Her Eminence of the Oven
- Her Highness of Hens
- His Highness of Harvest
- His Majesty of Maillard
- Jester of Giblets
- Knight of the Gobble Table
- Knight of the Nutmeg
- Lady Bountiful Beak
- Lady Lurkey
- Lady of the Gravy Realm
- Lord of the Wings
- Madame Baste-a-Lot
- Marquis de Marinade
- Marshal Maize
- Mistress of the Feast
- Patrician of Poultry
- Pecking Order Prince
- Pilgrim’s Prize
- Prince Parsley
- Princess Peck
- Sage Comm&er
- Saint Stuffing
- Sir Brine-a-Lot
- Sir Gobblesworth
- Sir Roast-a-Lot
- Sir Sizzle-a-Lot
- Stuffington Esquire
- Sultan of Sizzle
- The Basting Baron
- The C&ied Yam Count
- The Feathered Pharaoh
- The Giblet Monarch
- The Gobble Godfather
- The Great Gizzard
- The Last Waltz
- The Noble Bird
- The Pumpkin Pie Potentate
- The Roast Royalty
- The Sage Sovereign
- The Stuffed Sovereign
- Thyme Lord
- Thyme Traveler
- Viscount Vittles
The Last Cluck
As we come to the end of our turkey-naming feast, we hope ya’ve found the perfect name for yar feathered friend, wether they’re part of yar flock or the guest of honor on yar holiday table.
From our nest to yars, have a clucking amazing holiday season!