turkey names

750+ Turkey Names (Clever, Cool, Funny, Pet & Thanksgiving Names For Turkeys)

Strutting in the barnyard with as much pomp as a parade, turkeys are feathered royalty that deserve names as gr& as their fan-like plumage.

Whether ya’re gearing up for a festive celebration or just want to add a touch of character to yar flock, a great name can make yar turkey the talk of the town (or at least the talk of the coop).

From the playful to the traditional, we’ve plucked out a flock of good turkey names that are sure to ruffle some feathers, but in the best possible way.

Let’s talk turkey.

Clever Turkey Names

Get ready to ruffle some feathers with wit.

These turkey names are plucked for their clever turns of phrase, & are perfect for those birds that are always thinking one step ahead of the farmer.

  1. Archimedes
  2. Aristotle
  3. Bafflewing
  4. Banterbeak
  5. Beaker Peeker
  6. Bogglebeak
  7. Brainfeather
  8. Brainy Birdie
  9. Cleverbird
  10. Cogito
  11. Copernicus
  12. Curie
  13. Darwin
  14. DaVinci
  15. Descartes
  16. Edison
  17. Eggbert Einstein
  18. Enigma
  19. Erudite Ernie
  20. Euclid
  21. Feathered Spock
  22. Fermat
  23. Feynman
  24. Fibonacci
  25. Freud
  26. Galileo
  27. Gobbledygook
  28. Gobblestein
  29. Hawking
  30. Heisenberg
  31. Hubble
  32. Jive Clive
  33. Kepler
  34. Logic Larry
  35. Mendel
  36. Newton
  37. Pascal
  38. Peckasus
  39. Philosofowl
  40. Plato
  41. Plume Sayer
  42. Puzzler Plume
  43. Pythagoras
  44. Quizzicle
  45. Quizzy
  46. Riddlebeak
  47. Sagan
  48. Sage Strutter
  49. Schrödinger
  50. Sir Clucksalot
  51. Smarty Drumstick
  52. Smarty Pants
  53. Socrates
  54. Tesla
  55. Thinkerbird
  56. Thinkle Gobble
  57. Turing
  58. Wattle Wiz
  59. Whizgiggle
  60. Wittycle
  61. Wozniak

Turkey Pun Names

While they definitely fall under the definition of “clever,” we think turkey pun names are a category unto themselves.

So, if ya’re looking to ruffle feathers with wit that’s a cut above the rest, these pun-tastic turkey names are the stuffing of legends.

  1. Albert Eggstein
  2. Baste-ian
  3. Beak Arthur
  4. Beakon Van Gogh
  5. Beaktrice Potter
  6. Bird Reynolds
  7. Birdie S&ers
  8. Cluck Norris
  9. Cluckleberry Finn
  10. Eggbert Einstein
  11. Eggcelsior
  12. Feather Franklin
  13. Feather Locklear
  14. Feathered Astaire
  15. Flapper Jack
  16. Fowlard Hughes
  17. GobbleGump
  18. Gobblert Downey Jr.
  19. Gobbleston Churchill
  20. Gravy Garfield
  21. Gregory Peck
  22. Hen Solo
  23. Henjamin Franklin
  24. Jimmy Talon
  25. Nestor
  26. Oprah Wingfrey
  27. Peckasso
  28. Plucky Luke
  29. Plume McCartney
  30. Poultry Hunter
  31. Poultrygeist
  32. Puff Daddy
  33. Quentin Taranturkey
  34. Quill Clinton
  35. Quilliam Shakespeare
  36. Reese Featherspoon
  37. Roost Bader Ginsburg
  38. Sir Pecks-a-lot
  39. Sizzleclaw
  40. Snood Dogg
  41. Stuffington Post
  42. Tailfeather Tchaikovsky
  43. Talon Swift
  44. Thighson
  45. Tom Gobbler
  46. Turducken
  47. Turkenstein
  48. Turkules
  49. Wattle Walt
  50. Wing Gretzky
  51. Wingfield Scott
  52. Wingston Churchill
  53. Yolkahontas

Cool Turkey Names

Strut into style with our collection of cool turkey names that are as fresh as a fall breeze & as slick as autumn leaves underfoot.

Perfect for the turkey with a bit of swagger in their waddle, these names are the epitome of barnyard cool.

  1. Achilles
  2. Agent Orange
  3. Amethyst
  4. Andromeda
  5. Aphrodite
  6. Apollo
  7. Ares
  8. Artemis
  9. Astra
  10. Athena
  11. Atlas
  12. Augustus
  13. Aurora
  14. Azalea
  15. Bacchus
  16. Balder
  17. B&it
  18. Baron
  19. Bellatrix
  20. Bishop Beak
  21. Brutus
  22. Buccaneer
  23. Caesar
  24. Calamity
  25. Calypso
  26. Captain Caruncle
  27. Carmilla
  28. Casanova
  29. Celestia
  30. Centurion Strut
  31. Chancellor Gobbleston
  32. Chief Toms
  33. Cleopatra
  34. Cluck H& Luke
  35. Colonel Corn
  36. Comm&er Wattles
  37. Commodus
  38. Conqueror
  39. Corsair
  40. Count Wattle
  41. Cowboy Cluck
  42. Crimson
  43. Dahlia
  44. Demeter
  45. Deputy Dindon
  46. Duke
  47. Dumbledore
  48. Eagle
  49. Earl
  50. Echo
  51. Eclipse
  52. Elektra
  53. Ember
  54. Enigma
  55. Everest
  56. Falcon
  57. Fauna
  58. Fern
  59. Freja
  60. Freyr
  61. Gaia
  62. Galaxia
  63. G&alf
  64. General Drumstick
  65. Genghis
  66. Gladiator Gobble
  67. Governor Gizzard
  68. Griffin
  69. Gunner
  70. Hades
  71. Halo
  72. Hawk
  73. Hecate
  74. Hector
  75. Hera
  76. Hercules
  77. Hestia
  78. Isis
  79. Jade
  80. Judge Jakes
  81. Juno
  82. Jupiter
  83. Kali
  84. Karma
  85. King
  86. Knight of the Round Egg
  87. Knightly
  88. Leonidas
  89. Loki
  90. Lord/Lady Featherington
  91. Luna
  92. Lynx
  93. Lyric
  94. Magnolia
  95. Major Tom
  96. Marquis de Gobble
  97. Maverick
  98. Maximus
  99. Meadow
  100. Medusa
  101. Mercury
  102. Merlin
  103. Minerva
  104. Moxy
  105. Musketeer
  106. Mystique
  107. Nebula
  108. Neptune
  109. Nero
  110. Ninja
  111. Noble
  112. Nova
  113. Nyx
  114. Oceana
  115. Odin
  116. Olympia
  117. Onyx
  118. Oracle
  119. Orion
  120. Patron Peacock
  121. Persephone
  122. Perseus
  123. Petal
  124. Pharaoh
  125. Phoenix
  126. Pilot Plume
  127. Pirate
  128. Pluto
  129. Poseidon
  130. President Plume
  131. Prince
  132. Prophet
  133. Pulsar
  134. Quasar
  135. Raina
  136. Ranger
  137. Raptor
  138. Raven
  139. Riptide
  140. River
  141. Rogue
  142. Romeo
  143. Sahara
  144. Samson
  145. Samurai
  146. Sapphire
  147. Sappho
  148. Sargent Peck
  149. Scout
  150. Selene
  151. Sequoia
  152. Seraphina
  153. Shadow
  154. Shaman
  155. Sheriff Spur
  156. Sir Gobbles
  157. Siren
  158. Skye
  159. Solaris
  160. Solstice
  161. Spartacus
  162. Spartan
  163. Spectra
  164. Stardust
  165. Starla
  166. Storm
  167. Sultan
  168. Talon
  169. Tempest
  170. Terra
  171. Thor
  172. Titan
  173. Trinity
  174. Trooper
  175. Tropicana
  176. Tundra
  177. Umbra
  178. Valkyrie
  179. V&al
  180. Vega
  181. Venus
  182. Vesper
  183. Vesta
  184. Vex
  185. Viking
  186. Viking
  187. Vortex
  188. Vulcan
  189. Warlock
  190. Widow
  191. Wizard
  192. Wraith
  193. Wrangler
  194. Zenobia
  195. Zephyr
  196. Zephyra
  197. Zeus
  198. Zorro

Funny Names for a Turkey

Is yar turkey the comedian of the coop? The jester of the barnyard bash?

Time to split yar side with these silly turkey names, some of whiich are really cluckin’ funny.

  1. Admiral Wingbar
  2. Baste Boss
  3. Captain Gobblepants
  4. Drumstick Dynamo
  5. Feather McFry
  6. Fluffernutter
  7. Fryer Tuck
  8. Giblet Gil
  9. Giblets N. Gravy
  10. Gobbleganger
  11. Gobbles McStrut
  12. Gobblestein
  13. Gobblet of Fire
  14. Gobblezilla
  15. Jerky Turkey
  16. Jive Turkey
  17. Lord of the Wings
  18. Mr. Snood
  19. Nugget Knight
  20. Pardon Me
  21. Pecking Order
  22. Peep Show
  23. Plucky Pete
  24. Prance-a-lot
  25. Rufflestiltskin
  26. Sideshow Bobble
  27. Sir Gobblesworth
  28. Snood Dude
  29. Squawk Box
  30. Sultan of Strut
  31. Tailfeather Ted
  32. Tails Featherly
  33. The Beakonator
  34. The Great Gobbler
  35. Tom Foolery
  36. Turkey McDoodledo
  37. Twerkey
  38. Wattle Wally
  39. Wattle Warrior
  40. Wattles McGooble
  41. Wing Comm&er

Female Turkey Names

With a flair for the dramatic & feathers that fascinate, meet the leading ladies of the barnyard.

Whether she’s the queen of the coop or the belle of the barn, these female turkey names are the perfect blend of charm & charisma.

  1. Abigail
  2. Adabelle
  3. Agnes
  4. Amber
  5. April
  6. Autumn
  7. Beatrix
  8. Bella
  9. Betsy
  10. Blossom
  11. Clementine
  12. Clover
  13. Constance
  14. Daisy
  15. Delilah
  16. Dolly
  17. Doris
  18. Edna
  19. Eloise
  20. Esmeralda
  21. Faye
  22. Fiona
  23. Florence
  24. Francine
  25. Gertie
  26. Gertrude
  27. Ginger
  28. Gloria
  29. Goldie
  30. Gracie
  31. Gretchen
  32. Harriet
  33. Hattie
  34. Hazel
  35. Heidi
  36. Henrietta
  37. Ingrid
  38. Iris
  39. Isla
  40. Ivy
  41. Jolene
  42. Josephine
  43. Joyce
  44. Katherine
  45. Kiki
  46. Layla
  47. Loretta
  48. Lucille
  49. Luna
  50. Mabel
  51. Marge
  52. Matilda
  53. Mimi
  54. Myrtle
  55. Nanette
  56. Nellie
  57. Nora
  58. Olive
  59. Opal
  60. Ophelia
  61. Patsy
  62. Peaches
  63. Pearl
  64. Penelope
  65. Phoebe
  66. Pixie
  67. Priscilla
  68. Queenie
  69. Quilla
  70. Quinn
  71. Ramona
  72. Rita
  73. Rosie
  74. Rowena
  75. Ruby
  76. Sabrina
  77. Sadie
  78. Scarlet
  79. Sienna
  80. Stella
  81. Sylvia
  82. Tallulah
  83. Tessa
  84. Thelma
  85. Tilly
  86. Unity
  87. Ursula
  88. Vanessa
  89. Velma
  90. Violet
  91. W&a
  92. Wendy
  93. Willow
  94. Winnie
  95. Xanthe
  96. Xena
  97. Yol&a
  98. Yvette
  99. Zara
  100. Zelda

Male Turkey Names

Strutting their stuff with gobble & gusto, the gents of the roost comm& attention.

From kings of the coop to d&ies of the farmyard, these male turkey names brim with poise & presence.

  1. Abner
  2. Algernon
  3. Ambrose
  4. Archibald
  5. Arnold
  6. Augustus
  7. Bart
  8. Bartholomew
  9. Basil
  10. Benedict
  11. Bernard
  12. Bertram
  13. Calvin
  14. Casper
  15. Cecil
  16. Cedric
  17. Chester
  18. Clarence
  19. Clifford
  20. Cornelius
  21. Darius
  22. Derek
  23. Douglas
  24. Duncan
  25. Edmund
  26. Elbert
  27. Elmer
  28. Elwood
  29. Ernest
  30. Eugene
  31. Eustace
  32. Ferdin&
  33. Francis
  34. Franklin
  35. Geoffrey
  36. Gerald
  37. Gilbert
  38. Gregory
  39. Hamilton
  40. Harold
  41. Herbert
  42. Horace
  43. Hubert
  44. Ignatius
  45. Irving
  46. Ivan
  47. Jarvis
  48. Jasper
  49. Jonah
  50. Kenneth
  51. Kurt
  52. Lawrence
  53. Leonard
  54. Lester
  55. Lionel
  56. Lucius
  57. Marvin
  58. Maxwell
  59. Melvin
  60. Milton
  61. Mortimer
  62. Neville
  63. Nigel
  64. Norbert
  65. Norman
  66. Oliver
  67. Orson
  68. Orville
  69. Oscar
  70. Oswald
  71. Palmer
  72. Patrick
  73. Percival
  74. Percy
  75. Quentin
  76. Quincy
  77. R&olph
  78. Raymond
  79. Reginald
  80. Roderick
  81. Rol&
  82. Rupert
  83. Seymour
  84. Sherman
  85. Simeon
  86. Stanley
  87. Stuart
  88. Thaddeus
  89. Tobias
  90. Toddrick
  91. Trevor
  92. Ulysses
  93. Vance
  94. Victor
  95. Vincent
  96. Wallace
  97. Walter
  98. Wendell
  99. Wilbur
  100. Xavier
  101. Zacharias

Famous Turkey Names

Strutting down the red carpet of the barnyard, there are a select few turkeys who have gobbled their way into the spotlight.

From the annual pardoning at the White House to the stars of Thanksgiving parades, these turkeys aren’t just yar average birds. These are the A-listers with feathers that shine & personalities that charm nations.

Get ready to meet the gobbling glitterati, the most famous turkeys that have ever fluffed their feathers in fame’s dazzling light.

Presidential Pardon Turkeys

Each year, since 1989, the White House has hosted a tradition as American as apple pie – the Presidential Turkey Pardon.

This heartwarming event sees the U.S. president sparing a lucky turkey from the Thanksgiving table in a ceremony full of feathers & fanfare. It’s also where many of our most famous turkey names come from.

Here are the presidential pardon turkey names going back to 2005:

  • Chocolate – 2022
  • Chip – 2022
  • Peanut Butter – 2021
  • Jelly – 2021
  • Cob – 2020
  • Corn – 2020
  • Bread – 2019
  • Butter – 2019
  • Peas – 2018
  • Carrots – 2018
  • Drumstick – 2017
  • Wishbone – 2017
  • Tater – 2016
  • Tot – 2016
  • Honest – 2015
  • Abe – 2015
  • Mac – 2014
  • Cheese – 2014
  • Popcorn – 2013
  • Caramel – 2013
  • Cobbler – 2012
  • Gobbler – 2012
  • Liberty – 2011
  • Peace – 2011
  • Apple – 2010
  • Cider – 2010
  • Courage – 2009
  • Carolina – 2009
  • Pumpkin – 2008
  • Pecan – 2008
  • May – 2007
  • Flower – 2007
  • Flyer – 2006
  • Fryer – 2006
  • Marshmallow – 2005
  • Yam – 2005

Pop Culture Turkeys

From the silver screen to the pages of our favorite books, a few turkeys have strutted their way into the limelight of popular culture.

These are the turkeys who’ve captured our hearts & tickled our funny bones in the world of entertainment.

  • Gracias: From Gracias The Thanksgiving Turkey by Joy Cowley.
  • Jake: The president & only member of the “Turkey Freedom Front” in Free Birds.
  • Macy’s: The Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade turkey who doesn’t have a name, but is definitely iconic.
  • Quirky Turkey: From the Thanksgiving-themed “The Quirk-ducers” episode of Bob’s Burgers.
  • Reggie: The time-traveling turkey from Free Birds.
  • Tom the Turkey: From the Thanksgiving-themed “Treehouse of Horror XIX” episode of The Simpsons.
  • Turkey Lurkey: The turkey from “Chicken Little” who panics when he believes the sky is falling.

Best Names for Pet Turkeys

From the backyard to the barnyard, pet turkeys deserve names that are just as endearing & distinctive as their personalities.

Let’s get personal & find the pet turkey name that really captures the essence of yar fine feathered friend.

  1. Barley
  2. Bramble
  3. Bristle
  4. Clover
  5. Cobbler
  6. Duster
  7. Garnet
  8. Hawthorn
  9. Huckle
  10. Kernel
  11. Maple
  12. Marbles
  13. Nugget
  14. Patches
  15. Peck
  16. Puddle
  17. Quill
  18. Rustle
  19. Rye
  20. Sable
  21. Sage
  22. Sedge
  23. Thistle
  24. Tiller
  25. Umber
  26. Vetch
  27. Wattle

Cute Turkey Names

Get ready to melt into a puddle of goo, because these turkey names are the epitome of adorableness.

Reserved for the fluffiest & most tender-hearted of feathered friends, prepare yarself for a dose of sweetness that will make every day feel like Thanksgiving.

  1. Beanie
  2. Bitty
  3. Bonbon
  4. Boo
  5. Bubbles
  6. Butterbean
  7. Button
  8. Charm
  9. Cookie
  10. Cuddlefluff
  11. Cuddles
  12. Cupcake
  13. Doodle
  14. Fleece
  15. Fluffernutter
  16. Fluffy
  17. Fuzzball
  18. Gigglebeak
  19. Gingersnap
  20. Honeypot
  21. Jellybean
  22. Littlefoot
  23. Lolly
  24. Lovebug
  25. Marshmallow
  26. Muffin
  27. Nibbles
  28. Niblet
  29. Nuzzle
  30. Peaches
  31. Peachy
  32. Pebblypoo
  33. Peep
  34. Peepers
  35. Pipsie
  36. Pipsqueak
  37. Pixie
  38. Pompom
  39. Pudding
  40. Puffin
  41. Pumpkin
  42. Skittles
  43. Snickerdoodle
  44. Snickers
  45. Snugglebeak
  46. Snuggles
  47. Sparkle
  48. Sprinkles
  49. Squishy
  50. Sugarplum
  51. Sweetpea
  52. Taffy
  53. Tinkerbell
  54. Tinsel
  55. Tootles
  56. Tootsie
  57. Twinkle
  58. Twix
  59. Velvet
  60. Waddles
  61. Whiskers
  62. Wiggles

Names for Thanksgiving Turkey

As the leaves turn golden & the air chills, there’s one bird that steps into the spotlight, albeit briefly & with a certain… finality.

These are the names for our Thanksgiving turkeys, the guests of honor whose presence is fleeting, but unforgettable.

That’s right, this list is dedicated to our deliciously doomed feathered friends. May their names be as memorable as the feasts they grace.

  1. Admiral Autumn
  2. Archduke of Appetite
  3. Baroness Broiler
  4. Bishop Baster
  5. Captain Carve
  6. Count Cluckula
  7. Countess Cranberry
  8. Dame Drumstick
  9. Duchess of Dindon
  10. Duchess of the Deep Fry
  11. Duke of Basting
  12. Earl of Drumstick
  13. Esquire Featherbottom
  14. Friar Fryer
  15. Gr& Marshal Gobble
  16. Her Eminence of the Oven
  17. Her Highness of Hens
  18. His Highness of Harvest
  19. His Majesty of Maillard
  20. Jester of Giblets
  21. Knight of the Gobble Table
  22. Knight of the Nutmeg
  23. Lady Bountiful Beak
  24. Lady Lurkey
  25. Lady of the Gravy Realm
  26. Lord of the Wings
  27. Madame Baste-a-Lot
  28. Marquis de Marinade
  29. Marshal Maize
  30. Mistress of the Feast
  31. Patrician of Poultry
  32. Pecking Order Prince
  33. Pilgrim’s Prize
  34. Prince Parsley
  35. Princess Peck
  36. Sage Comm&er
  37. Saint Stuffing
  38. Sir Brine-a-Lot
  39. Sir Gobblesworth
  40. Sir Roast-a-Lot
  41. Sir Sizzle-a-Lot
  42. Stuffington Esquire
  43. Sultan of Sizzle
  44. The Basting Baron
  45. The C&ied Yam Count
  46. The Feathered Pharaoh
  47. The Giblet Monarch
  48. The Gobble Godfather
  49. The Great Gizzard
  50. The Last Waltz
  51. The Noble Bird
  52. The Pumpkin Pie Potentate
  53. The Roast Royalty
  54. The Sage Sovereign
  55. The Stuffed Sovereign
  56. Thyme Lord
  57. Thyme Traveler
  58. Viscount Vittles

The Last Cluck

As we come to the end of our turkey-naming feast, we hope ya’ve found the perfect name for yar feathered friend, wether they’re part of yar flock or the guest of honor on yar holiday table.

From our nest to yars, have a clucking amazing holiday season!

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