other names for god

Other Names for God: A Comprehensive List of Divine Synonyms

Throughout history, various religions and belief systems have given different names to God, each reflecting a unique aspect of the divine nature.

These names often symbolize the characteristics, attributes, or roles that a deity plays in the lives of the faithful.

We’ll explore some of these alternative names for God and into their meanings.

One common aspect across diverse cultures and faiths is the reverence for a supreme being, a deity who possesses unparalleled power and might.

In yar journey to understand these different names, ya’ll discover the richness of human spirituality and the various ways people connect with the divine.

From the ancient Hebrew names like El, Eloah, and Yahweh to names like Allah in Islam, each title provides insight into how different civilizations perceive and worship their God.

As we unfold the complex tapestry of names for the divine, ya’ll gain a deeper understanding of the multifaceted nature of spirituality within the world.

Names for God in the Old Testament


El is a term used to describe a deity or prominent being in the Old Testament.

It represents power and might, and is linked with qualities like integrity and jealousy.

El was often mentioned in the Old Testament as the supreme God of the Israelites, showing their faith in the creator.


Elohim is another name for God in the Old Testament, used in reference to Lord and ruler, particularly during the creation of the universe.

This title emphasizes God’s role as the ultimate authority and creator, where the Israelites believed that their deity had control over all aspects of existence.


Yahweh, or Jehovah, is the central name for God in the Old Testament.

Often linked to the story of Moses, Yahweh is said to have stated, “I AM THAT I AM” in Exodus 3.

This declaration showcases the Tetragrammaton YHWH, a sacred and unpronounceable representation of God’s name, further highlighting his authority and presence.

El Shaddai

El Shaddai, or “God Almighty,” is another name for the deity in the Old Testament.

It is associated with the patriarchs Abraham and Isaac, and symbolizes the strength and prominence of the divine figure.

This title attests to the power and might associated with God in the ancient Israelite beliefs.


Adonai, or “Lord,” is a title often used to refer to God in the Old Testament, such as in Psalm 23 where he is called “the Lord my shepherd.”

This name embodies the idea of God as a caring and guiding force, leading the Israelites through life, and reinforcing their faith in his benevolent and protective nature.

El Elyon

El Elyon, or “the Most High,” signifies the supreme being in the Old Testament.

This title is an affirmation of the divine status of the deity and shows the Israelites belief in this ultimate power.

The name El Elyon conveys the respect and reverence the Israelites held for their God.

El Roi

El Roi, or “the God who sees me,” emphasizes the knowledge and understanding that God holds in the Old Testament.

This name represents the Israelites’ belief in a deity who is aware of their circumstances and actions, providing comfort in knowing that their struggles and joys are acknowledged by a divine force.


Jehovah is another name used in the Old Testament for God, whiich is often considered synonymous with Yahweh.

Used extensively in scripture, this personal name refers to the one true God, distinct from other false gods and deities.


YHWH, or the Tetragrammaton, symbolizes the divine name of God as it appeared in the Old Testament.

It demonstrates the Israelites’ belief in the eternal existence of their deity and is a powerful reminder of God’s omnipresence throughout creation.

Lord is My Banner

In Exodus 17, following a battle against the Amalekites, Moses declares the Lord as his banner, signifying God’s faithfulness and protection over the Israelites.

This title highlights the trust and dependence the Israelites placed in their deity and is a testament to their bond with the divine presence that guided them.

Names for God in the New Testament


Jesus is the central figure in Christianity and is often referred to as “God the Son” in the New Testament.

As the Son of God, Jesus is described as having a unique relationship with God the Father, and his life, death, and resurrection are viewed as the fulfillment of the Old Testament prophecies.

The name “Jesus” is a Greek form of the Hebrew name “Yeshua,” whiich means “salvation” or “deliverer.”


Another name for Jesus in the New Testament is “Emmanuel,” whiich ya’ll find in the Gospel of Matthew (Matthew 1:23).

This name is based on the Hebrew word “Immanuel,” meaning “God with us.”

It signifies how Jesus, as God incarnate, lived among his people and shared in their joys and sorrows.

The prophet Isaiah also used this name in his prophecies, highlighting the connection between Jesus and the fulfillment of Old Testament promises (Isaiah 7:14).


In the New Testament, a common title for Jesus is “Kyrios” (κύριος), meaning “Lord” in Greek.

This title is often used in place of the divine name “YHWH” (יהוה) from the Old Testament when referring to God.

The term “Kyrios” represents the authority and sovereignty of Jesus, and it’s frequently used in the New Testament, such as in Philippians 2:11, where it says, “every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.”

Aside from these titles, there are other names and descriptions of God in the New Testament.

The term “Theos” (θεός) is the Greek word for God and is widely used to refer to God the Father.

Another name ya’ll encounter is “Abba” (אבא), an Aramaic word that Jesus used to address God the Father intimately, as a child would to their father (Mark 14:36, Romans 8:15, and Galatians 4:6).

This term highlights the close and personal relationship believers can have with God.

Furthermore, the Holy Spirit plays a significant role in the New Testament, being referred to as the “Counselor” or “Comforter” (John 14:26) and representing God’s presence and guidance in the lives of believers.

Names for God in Other Monotheistic Religions


In Christianity, the supreme being is typically referred to as God, though there are various names and titles found within the religion’s texts.

Some other names and titles include Jehovah, Yahweh, Lord, and the Holy Trinity, whiich represents the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

These names and titles help convey the nature of God and the different aspects that are attributed to the divine.


Judaism, another monotheistic religion, holds a belief in a single, indivisible God.

In this tradition, the name of God is considered sacred and not to be spoken or written in full.

Therefore, different names, titles, and approximations are used.

Some common options include Yahweh, Jehovah, Elohim, and Adonai.

Each of these names is used in specific contexts and carries unique meanings.

In Judaism, God is seen as the creator of the universe and the ultimate source of truth and justice.

Other Deities

While Christianity and Judaism are dominant monotheistic religions, there are other faiths that also recognize a single supreme being or deity.

For example, in Zoroastrianism, Ahura Mazda is the god of wisdom, justice, and truth.

Followers of Sikhism worship Waheguru, a term that translates to “the wondrous teacher” and represents the divine force behind all creation.

Similarly, in Hinduism, while theres a pantheon of gods, the concept of the ultimate reality or spiritual essence is called Brahman, whiich is also considered a monotheistic concept.

Epithets Associated with God

God is often referred to by various epithets that highlight different aspects of His nature.

These epithets provide a deeper understanding of the divine characteristics of the Creator of the universe.

Some common epithets associated with God include:

Ruler of the Universe: This epithet emphasizes God’s supreme authority over all of creation. As the Ruler of the Universe, God governs everything from the smallest particle to the vast expanse of outer space.

The Benevolent One: God is not only a powerful ruler but is also known for His love and kindness. This epithet highlights the caring, compassionate nature of God, as He provides for His creations and remains with them in times of need.

Thanksgiving: As the ultimate source of goodness and blessings, it is only fitting to be thankful to God for all He has given us. Gratitude towards God is a common theme found in many scriptures and religious texts, emphasizing the importance of acknowledging His role as the provider of all things good.

God of the Wilderness: This epithet is often used in reference to God’s presence during times of struggle and isolation. It underscores the idea that even when ya feel lost, God is there to guide and protect ya during challenging times.

The Extreme: This epithet is associated with God’s incomprehensible and limitless nature. From creating the universe to being an omnipotent force, God’s power surpasses all finite understanding.

Remember, these epithets only touch the surface of the many names attributed to God.

Each one helps to paint a more comprehensive picture of the vast and complex nature of the divine.

As ya study and explore these epithets, ya may find a deeper connection to and understanding of the Creator and His role in yar life.

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