500 Italian Girl Names (& Meanings) Used In Italy And Beyond
Wanna get some help with names that are all about the beauty, history, & cultural richness of Italy?
We gots timeless classics here. We gots modern variations on them classics.
There here names are totally rooted in Italian tradition. And exactly what youre looking for.
And yes the bulk of the names on our list here are authentically Italian.
Sure some have their origins in other languages & cultures but have been adopted by the Italian people.
You’ll also see some that aren’t commonly (or ever) used in Italy, but bring ya the spirit & allure of Italy. That cause theyre either because they are Italian place names or names derived from Italian words.
(These are great names for people who wanna go with recognizable Italian names that don’t actually gotta be based in Italian naming tradition.)
And now, check out our big ole list of Italian girl names perfect for naming new babies, book characters, or whoever else ya get the privilege of naming.
The Big List of Italian Girl Names
First up, we gots our giant list of Italian girl names for ya.
Our list of names gives ya the name, wether or not it’s authentically Italian, a wee naming note as to where it works best or where it might have come from & the simplest of meanings for it.
Here are our Italian names for girls from A-Z:
Name | Authentic? | Naming Notes | Meaning |
Abriana | No | Likely Variant of Adriana | Elf Ruler |
Adalgisa | Yes | Pledge | |
Adele | Yes | Noble | |
Adelina | Yes | Little Noble One | |
Adriana | Yes | From Adria | |
Adrina | No | From Adria | |
Agata | Yes | Good | |
Agnella | Yes | Little Lamb | |
Agnese | Yes | Chaste | |
Agnesia | Yes | Rarely Used As Name | Chaste |
Agnesina | Yes | Little Chaste On | |
Agostina | Yes | Sacred | |
Aida | No | Visitor | |
Alba | Yes | Dawn | |
Alberta | Yes | Noble & Bright | |
Alcina | No | Strong-Minded | |
Aldina | Yes | Old | |
Aless&ra | Yes | Defender of Mankind | |
Alessia | Yes | Defender | |
Alfonsa | Yes | Noble & Prepared | |
Alice | Somewhat | French Origin | Noble |
Allegra | Yes | Joyful | |
Alma | Somewhat | Latin Origin | Soul |
Altea | Somewhat | Greek Origin | Healer |
Amadea | Yes | God’s Love | |
Amalia | Yes | Work | |
Amanta | No | Lovable | |
Amara | No | Sanskrit Origin | Eternal |
Amaranta | No | Greek Origin | Unfading |
Amata | Yes | Beloved | |
Ambra | Yes | Amber | |
Analia | No | Spanish Origin | Grace |
Anastasia | No | Greek Origin | Resurrection |
Andrea | Yes | More Common for Males in Italy | Manly |
Andreina | Yes | Feminine of Andrea | |
Anete | No | Grace | |
Angela | Yes | Messenger of God | |
Angelica | Yes | Angelic | |
Angelina | Yes | Little Angel | |
Angelita | No | Spanish Origin | Little Angel |
Aninata | No | None | |
Anita | Yes | Grace | |
Anna | Yes | Grace | |
Annabella | Yes | Lovable Grace | |
Annalisa | Yes | Graced With God’s Bounty | |
Anselma | Yes | Protected By God | |
Antonella | Yes | Praise-Worthy | |
Antonia | Yes | Praise-Worthy | |
Antonietta | Yes | Little Antonia | |
Anzia | No | None | |
Aria | Yes | Air | |
Ariana | Yes | Very Holy | |
Arianna | Yes | Very Holy | |
Armana | Somewhat | Variant of Armani | From the House of Armani |
Armani | Yes | Surname; Not Traditionally First Name | From the House of Armani |
Armina | No | Warrior Maiden | |
Aryanna | No | Very Holy | |
Asia | Yes | Sunrise | |
Assisi | Somewhat | Rarely Used As Name | Assisi (place) |
Assunda | Yes | Variant of Assunta | Assumption |
Audenzia | No | Boldness | |
Augusta | Somewhat | Latin Origin | Majestic |
Aurora | Yes | Dawn | |
Avena | No | Oat | |
Azzurra | Yes | Blue | |
Bambina | Yes | Baby girl | |
Barbara | Somewhat | Latin Origin | Foreign |
Beatrice | Yes | Bringer of Joy | |
Belinda | No | English Origin | Beautiful |
Belisencia | No | None | |
Bella | Yes | Beautiful | |
Belladonna | Yes | Beautiful Lady | |
Bellarosa | Yes | Beautiful Rose | |
Benedetta | Yes | Blessed | |
Berenice | No | Greek Origin | Bringer of Victory |
Betina | No | Consecrated to God | |
Bianca | Yes | White | |
Bice | Yes | Most Commonly Nickname for Beatrice | Bringer of Joy |
Bina | No | Hebrew Origin | Wisdom |
Bivatigirni | No | None | |
Blaca | No | White | |
Bobina | No | None | |
Bona | Yes | Good | |
Bonita | No | Spanish Origin | Pretty |
Brandi | NO | Brandy (drink) | |
Brigida | Yes | Strength | |
Bruna | Yes | Brown | |
Byna | No | None | |
Byni | No | None | |
Cadenza | Yes | Musical Term; Rarely Used As Name | Rhythmic |
Caelia | No | Latin Origin | Heavenly |
Caerda | No | None | |
Calcedonia | No | Chalcedony (mineral) | |
Callista | No | Greek Origin | Most Beautiful |
Calogera | Yes | Beautiful Old Age | |
Camellia | No | Latin Origin | Camellia (flower) |
Cameo | No | English Origin | Small Sculpture |
Camilla | Yes | Young Ceremonial Attendant | |
Campana | Yes | Surname; Not Traditionally First Name | Bell |
Candia | No | Candia (place) | |
Canta | No | Sing | |
Cantara | No | Small Bridge | |
Capri | Yes | Rarely Used As Name | Capri (place) |
Capriana | No | From Capri | |
Caprice | No | French Origin | Whim |
Capricia | No | Whimsical | |
Capulet | No | Shakespearean Origin | None |
Cara | Yes | Beloved | |
Carana | No | None | |
Cariana | No | None | |
Carina | Yes | Dear | |
Carissima | Yes | Dearest | |
Carita | No | Chariety | |
Carla | Yes | Free Woman | |
Carlina | Yes | Little Free Woman | |
Carlotta | Yes | Free Woman | |
Carmela | Yes | Garden | |
Carmine | Yes | Vivid Red | |
Carola | Yes | Free Woman | |
Carolina | Yes | Free Woman | |
Carolinne | No | Free Woman | |
Carra | No | Stone | |
Carrabella | No | Beautiful Stone | |
Carrianna | No | None | |
Carrina | No | None | |
Catalda | No | Pure | |
Catarina | Yes | Pure | |
Catena | Yes | Chain | |
Caterina | Yes | Pure | |
Caterine | No | French Origin | Pure |
Catrice | No | Pure | |
Cattia | No | None | |
Cecca | Yes | Most Commonly a Nickname | Blind |
Cecilia | Yes | Blind | |
Celestina | Yes | Heavenly | |
Cellina | No | Heavenly | |
Cena | Somewhat | Never Used in Italy | Supper |
Cerelia | No | Greek Origin | Goddess of Harvest |
Cesarina | Yes | Imperial | |
Cesca | Yes | Most Commonly a Nickname for Francesca | Free Woman |
Cettina | Yes | Little Blind One | |
Chezarina | No | Likely Variant of Cesarina | Imperial |
Chiara | Yes | Clear | |
Chiarina | Yes | Little Clear One | |
Chloe | No | Greek Origin | Green Shoot |
Ciandra | No | None | |
Cianna | No | God Is Gracious | |
Cielo | No | Spanish Origin | Sky |
Cienna | No | Dark | |
Cinzia | Yes | From Mount Kynthos | |
Cira | No | Sun | |
Clarice | Yes | Clear | |
Clarina | Yes | Little Clear One | |
Clarisse | No | French Origin | Clear |
Claudia | Yes | Lame | |
Claudina | No | Little Lame One | |
Clemente | Somewhat | Latin Origin | Merciful |
Clementina | Yes | Merciful | |
Cleopatra | No | Greek Origin | Glory of the Father |
Clorinda | Yes | Beautiful | |
Clovia | No | Famous Warrior | |
Cocco | No | Cocoa | |
Coletta | Yes | People’s Victory | |
Columbina | Yes | Dove | |
Concetta | Yes | Conception | |
Consolata | Yes | Consolation | |
Constantia | Yes | Variant of Costanza | Constant |
Constantina | Yes | Constant | |
Constanza | Yes | Steadfastness | |
Contessa | Yes | Rare | Countess |
Cora | No | Maiden | |
Corda | No | Heart | |
Corinna | Yes | Maiden | |
Cosima | Yes | Order | |
Cosma | Yes | Order | |
Cossetta | Yes | Little Thing of Luxury | |
Costanza | Yes | Constant | |
Cristalda | Yes | Rare | Crystal-clear |
Cristiana | Yes | Christian | |
Cristina | Yes | Christian | |
Cristofana | Yes | Christ-Bearer | |
Crocetta | Yes | Rare | Little Cross |
Crocifissa | Yes | Rare | Crucified |
Cunegonda | Yes | Very Rare | Brave in War |
Cybelle | No | Greek Origin | Mother Goddess |
Dahna | No | Knowledge | |
Damiana | Yes | Tame | |
Daniella | Yes | God Is My Judge | |
Danila | Yes | God Is My Judge | |
Daria | Yes | Wealthy | |
Dea | Yes | Rare | Goddess |
Debora | Yes | Bee | |
Delfina | Yes | Dolphin | |
Delia | Yes | From Delos | |
Della | Yes | Of The | |
Demetra | Yes | Earth Mother | |
Demetria | No | Greek Origin | Follower of Demeter |
Desdemona | No | English Origin | Ill-Fated |
Desideria | Yes | Desired | |
Diana | Yes | Divine | |
Dianora | Yes | Divine Honor | |
Diletta | Yes | Beloved | |
Diva | Yes | Rare | Divine |
Doda | No | Gift | |
Domani | No | Tomorrow | |
Domenica | Yes | Of the Lord | |
Domitilla | Yes | Tamed | |
Donata | Yes | Given | |
Donatas | No | Given | |
Donatella | Yes | Beautiful Gift | |
Donna | Yes | Rare In Italy | Lady |
Doriana | Yes | Gift | |
Dorina | Yes | Gift | |
Dorotea | Yes | Gift of God | |
Drusilla | No | Latin Origin | Dewey-Eyed |
Duccia | Yes | Most Commonly a Nickname | Leader |
Duilia | Yes | Fight | |
Ebe | Yes | Rare | Youthful |
Edda | No | Rare | Warrior |
Editta | Yes | Prosperous in War | |
Edmonda | Yes | Wealth Protector | |
Edvige | Yes | Battle | |
Egidia | Yes | Young Goat | |
Elda | Yes | Battle | |
Electra | No | Greek Origin | Shining |
Elena | Yes | Bright | |
Eleonora | Yes | Light | |
Elettra | Yes | Amber | |
Elia | Yes | More Common for Males in Italy | My God is Yahweh |
Elide | Yes | Small Winged One | |
Elisa | Yes | God’s Promise | |
Elisabetha | Yes | Variant of Elisabetta | God’s Promise |
Elisabetta | Yes | God’s Promise | |
Eloisa | Yes | Healthy | |
Elvira | Yes | All True | |
Emilia | Yes | Rival | |
Emiliana | Yes | Rival | |
Emma | Yes | Whole | |
Enrica | Yes | Home Ruler | |
Enrichetta | Yes | Home Ruler | |
Enza | Yes | Most Commonly a Nickname | Consecrated |
Erica | No | Old Norse Origin | Ever Powerful |
Ermelinda | Yes | Universal Protection | |
Erminia | Yes | Italian Form of Hermione | Universal |
Ersilia | Yes | None | |
Esmeralda | No | Spanish Origin, Rare In Italy | Emerald |
Esta | No | Uncommon | From the East |
Estella | No | Latin Origin | Star |
Eufemia | Yes | Good Speech | |
Eugenia | Yes | Well-Born | |
Eusebia | Yes | Rare | Pious |
Eva | Yes | Life | |
Evangelina | No | Bearer of Good News | |
Evelina | No | Latin Origin | Life |
Fabia | Yes | Bean Farmer | |
Fabiana | Yes | Bean Farmer | |
Fabrizia | Yes | Craftsman | |
Fausta | Yes | Fortunate | |
Faustina | Yes | Fortunate | |
Fedella | Yes | Latin Origin | Faithful |
Federica | Yes | Peaceful Ruler | |
Fedora | Yes | Gift from God | |
Felice | Yes | More Common for Males in Italy | Happy |
Felicia | Yes | Happy | |
Feliciana | Yes | Happy | |
Felicita | Yes | Happiness | |
Felicitas | No | Latin Origin | Fortune |
Felicite | No | English Origin | Happiness |
Felixa | Somewhat | Variant of Felicia | Happy |
Fernanda | Yes | Bold Traveler | |
Ferrara | No | Based on Famous Surname Ferrari | Iron Worker |
Fiamma | Yes | Flame | |
Fiammetta | Yes | Little Flame | |
Filippa | Yes | Lover of Horses | |
Filomena | Yes | Lover of Strength | |
Fiorella | Yes | Little Flower | |
Fiorenza | Yes | Flourishing | |
Flavia | Yes | Blond | |
Flaviana | Yes | Blond | |
Flora | Yes | Flower | |
Florentina | Yes | Flourishing | |
Floriana | Yes | Flower | |
Fortuna | Yes | Rare In Italy | Fortune |
Franca | Yes | Free | |
Francesca | Yes | French | |
Fulvia | Yes | Yellow | |
Gabriella | Yes | God Is My Strenght | |
Gaetana | Yes | From Gaeta | |
Gaia | Yes | Earth | |
Galilea | No | From Galilee | |
Galla | Yes | Rare | Gaul |
Gavina | Yes | White Hawk | |
Gemma | Yes | Gem | |
Generosa | Yes | Generous | |
Genoveffa | Yes | Race of Women | |
Gia | Yes | God is Gracious | |
Giacinta | Yes | Hyacinth | |
Giada | Yes | Jade | |
Gianna | Yes | Most Commonly Nickname for Giovanna | God is Gracious |
Gilberta | Yes | Bright Pledge | |
Gilda | Yes | Golden | |
Ginevra | Yes | Juniper | |
Gioia | Yes | Joy | |
Giordana | Yes | Descendant of Jordan | |
Giorgia | Yes | Farmer | |
Giovanna | Yes | God Is Gracious | |
Giralda | No | Spanish Origin | Revolve |
Giulia | Yes | Youthful | |
Giuliana | Yes | Youthful | |
Giulietta | Yes | Youthful | |
Giuseppa | Yes | God Will Add | |
Giuseppina | Yes | God Will Add | |
Giustina | Yes | Just | |
Giusy | Yes | Most Commonly Nickname for Giuseppa or Giuseppina | God Will Add |
Grazia | Yes | Grace | |
Graziana | Yes | Grace | |
Graziosa | Yes | Uncommon | Graceful |
Greta | Yes | Pearl | |
Guglielmina | Yes | Rare | Resolute Perfection |
Helena | No | Greek Origin | Light |
Ilaria | No | Cheerful | |
Imelda | Yes | Universal Battle | |
Iolanda | Yes | Violet Flower | |
Irene | Yes | Peace | |
Isabella | Yes | God Is My Oath | |
Isabetta | Yes | God Is My Oath | |
Isadora | No | Greek Origin | Gift of Isis |
Iseppa | Yes | Rare | God Will Add |
Ismerelda | No | Spanish Origin | Emerald |
Jolanda | No | Violet Flower | |
Laura | Yes | Laurel | |
Laurenza | Italian | Laurel | |
Lauretta | Italian | Little Laurel | |
Lavinia | Italian | Woman of Rome | |
Leandra | Somewhat | Latin Origin | Lioness |
Leonilda | Yes | Brave as a Lion | |
Leonora | Yes | Light | |
Letizia | Yes | Joy | |
Leontina | Yes | Uncommon | Lion-Like |
Lia | Yes | Weary | |
Liana | Yes | To Bind | |
Lidia | Yes | Greek Origin | From Lydia |
Liliana | Yes | Lily | |
Linda | No | Spanish Origin | Pretty |
Lisa | Yes | God Is My Oath | |
Liviana | Yes | Envious | |
Lorenza | Yes | Laurel | |
Loretta | Yes | Little Laurel | |
Lucia | Yes | Light | |
Luciana | Yes | Light | |
Lucrezia | Yes | Profit | |
Ludovica | Yes | Famous Warrior | |
Luisa | Yes | Famous Warrior | |
Luigia | Yes | Famous Warrior | |
Luna | Yes | Moon | |
Maddalena | Yes | Of Magdala | |
Mafalda | Yes | Strong In Battle | |
Magdalena | Yes | Of Magdala | |
Maggia | No | Pearl | |
Marca | No | Spanish Origin | Borderland |
Marcella | Yes | Young Warrior | |
Margherita | Yes | Pearl | |
Maria | Somewhat | Latin Origin | Sea of Bitterness |
Mariangela | Yes | Sea of Bitterness & Angel | |
Marilena | Yes | Sea of Bitterness & Light | |
Marina | Yes | Of the Sea | |
Marta | Somewhat | Latin Origin | Lady |
Martina | Yes | Warlike | |
Massima | Yes | Not Common | Greatest |
Matilde | Yes | Mighty in Battle | |
Maura | Yes | Dark-Skinned | |
Melania | Yes | Dark | |
Meliore | No | Rare | Better |
Melissa | Somewhat | Latin Origin | Honey Bee |
Michaela | Yes | Who is Like God? | |
Milena | Yes | Gracious | |
Mirabella | Somewhat | Latin Origin | Wonderful Beauty |
Miranda | No | Latin Origin | Admirable |
Mirella | Yes | Admire | |
Miuccia | Yes | Not Common; Variant of Maria | Sea of Bitterness |
Monica | Somewhat | Latin Origin | Advisor |
Narcisa | Somewhat | Latin Origin | Narcissus (flower) |
Natalia | Yes | Born on Christmas Day | |
Nella | Yes | Shining Light | |
Nemesia | Yes | Rare | Divine Vengeance |
Nera | Yes | Never Used in Italy | Black |
Nicoletta | Yes | Victory of the People | |
Nicolina | Yes | Victory of the People | |
Noemi | Yes | Pleasantness | |
Norina | Yes | Most Commonly a Nickname | Light |
Nunzia | Yes | Messenger | |
Olimpia | Yes | From Mount Olympus | |
Olivia | No | Latin Origin | Olive Tree |
Oriana | Yes | Dawn | |
Ornella | Yes | Flowering Ash Tree | |
Orsina | Yes | Little Bear | |
Orsola | Yes | Little Bear | |
Ortensia | Yes | Gardener | |
Osanna | Yes | Rare | We Pray |
Ottavia | Yes | Eighth | |
Palmina | Yes | Palm Tree | |
Palmira | Yes | Pilgrim | |
Pamina | No | Greek Origin | All Sweetness |
Paola | Yes | Small | |
Paolina | Yes | Small | |
Pasqualina | Yes | Related to Easter | |
Patrina | Somewhat | Like Variant of Patrizia | Noblewoman |
Patrizia | Yes | Noble | |
Pazienza | Yes | Never Used in Italy | Patience |
Perla | Yes | Pearl | |
Pervinca | Yes | Rare | Periwinkle (flower) |
Petronilla | Yes | Rock | |
Pia | Yes | Pious | |
Piera | Yes | Rock | |
Pierina | Yes | Small Rock | |
Pietra | Yes | Stone | |
Pina | Yes | Pine | |
Placida | Yes | Calm | |
Poesia | Yes | Never Used in Italy | Poetry |
Polissena | Yes | Many-Sided | |
Priscilla | No | Latin Origin | Ancient |
Quirina | Yes | Rare | Spear |
Rachele | Yes | Ewe | |
Raffaela | Yes | God Has Healed | |
Raimona | Yes | Protecting Hands | |
Ravenna | Yes | Rarely Used As Name | Ravine |
Ravinia | No | Ravine | |
Rebecca | No | Hebrew Origin | To Bind |
Regina | Yes | Queen | |
Renata | Yes | Reborn | |
Riccarda | Yes | Strong Ruler | |
Rita | Somewhat | Latin Origin | Pearl |
Roberta | Yes | Bright Fame | |
Rome | No | Rarely Used As Name | Rome (place) |
Romilda | Yes | Glorious Battle Maiden | |
Romina | Yes | From Rome | |
Romula | Somewhat | Based on Romulus; Rare | From Rome |
Rosa | Somewhat | Latin Origin | Rose |
Rosabella | Yes | Beautiful Rose | |
Rosalia | Yes | Rose | |
Rosalinda | Yes | Beautiful Rose | |
Rosanna | Yes | Rose & Grace | |
Rosangela | Yes | Rose & Angel | |
Rosaria | Yes | Rosary | |
Rosetta | Yes | Little Rose | |
Rosi | Yes | Most Commonly a Nickname | Rose |
Rosina | Yes | Little Rose | |
Rossana | Yes | Rose | |
Rossella | Yes | Red-Haired | |
Rufina | Yes | Red-Haired | |
Sabina | Yes | Sabine Woman | |
Salvatrice | Yes | Rare | Savior |
Samantha | Yes | Asked of God | |
Sancia | Yes | Holy | |
Sandra | Somewhat | Latin Origin | Defender of Mankind |
Sara | Somewhat | Latin Origin | Princess |
Sarita | No | Spanish Origin | Princess |
Saveria | Yes | New Home | |
Savina | Somewhat | Likely Variant of Sabina | Sabine Woman |
Serafina | Yes | Fiery Ones | |
Serena | Yes | Serene | |
Sergia | Yes | Servant | |
Severina | Yes | Stern | |
Sibilla | Yes | Prophetess | |
Sicily | Yes | Rarely Used As Name | Sicily (place) |
Siena | Yes | Rarely Used As Name | Siena (place) |
Silvana | Yes | Woodland | |
Silvestra | Yes | Woodland | |
Silvia | Yes | Forest | |
Simona | Yes | Heard | |
Simonetta | Yes | Heard | |
Sofia | Yes | Wisdom | |
Sofonisba | Yes | Very Rare | Foreign Wisdom |
Speranza | Yes | Rare in Italy | Hope |
Stefania | Yes | Crown | |
Stella | Yes | Star | |
Stellina | Yes | Little Star | |
Susanna | Somewhat | Latin Origin | Lily |
Teodora | Yes | Gift of God | |
Teresa | Yes | Harvester | |
Tiziana | Yes | Honorable | |
Tommasina | Yes | Twin | |
Tosca | Yes | Tuscany (place) | |
Toscana | Yes | Rarely Used As Name | Tuscany (place) |
Valentina | Yes | Strong | |
Valeria | Yes | Strong | |
Vanna | Yes | Most Commonly a Nickname for Giovanna | God is Gracious |
Veneranda | Yes | Venerated | |
Venere | Yes | Rare | Venus |
Venezia | Yes | Rarely Used As Name | Venice (place) |
Veronica | Somewhat | Latin Origin | True Image |
Vianca | Somewhat | Likely Variant of Bianca | White |
Vincenza | Yes | Conqueror | |
Viola | Yes | Violet | |
Virginia | Yes | Virgin | |
Vittoria | Yes | Victory | |
Viviana | Yes | Alive | |
Zaira | Yes | Princess | |
Zanobia | Somewhat | Greek Origin; Name of Italian Queen | Life of Zeus |
Zita | Yes | Maiden |
The Most Popular Girl Names In Italy
Of these Italian & Italian-inspired girl names some of them are a bit more popular for females in Italy than others.

Here are the 20 most popular Italian girl names (in Italy) in 2024:
#1 – Sofia
An enduring favorite in many parts of the world, Sofia (or Sophia) has Greek origins & means “wisdom”.
This name is timeless & has been borne by saints, royalty, & notable figures in history, lending it an aura of sophistication & grace.
#2 – Aurora
Meaning “dawn” in Latin, Aurora was the Roman goddess of the morning light.
The name conveys a sense of new beginnings & hope. Its poetic nature & classical roots make it a favorite among parents who appreciate its elegance.
#3 – Giulia
The Italian variant of “Julia,” this name traces back to ancient Rome & the Julian family, whiich included the famous Julius Caesar.
It’s a classic name that never seems to go out of style, symbolizing yathfulness & vigor.
#4 – Ginevra
An Italian variant of “Genevieve”, Ginevra has enjoyed a surge in popularity, possibly influenced by notable figures like Ginevra “Ginny” Weasley from the Harry Potter series.
Moreover, it’s the Italian name for the Swiss city of Geneva, adding a cosmopolitan flair.
#5 – Beatrice
With roots in Latin meaning “she who brings happiness” or “blessed”, Beatrice has been a cherish’d name in Italy for centuries.
It gained literary fame from Dante Alighieri’s “Divine Comedy”, where Beatrice is his guide through Paradise.
#6 – Alice
Derived from the Old French name Adelais, Alice means “noble”.
It’s a name that’s been popular in various forms across Europe for centuries & has been rejuvenated in modern times through characters in literature, such as Alice in Wonderland.
#7 – Vittoria
The Italian form of “Victoria,” it means “victory”.
With ancient Roman connotations (think of the goddess Victoria), it’s a strong, confident name that remains popular in Italy & beyond.
#8 – Emma
Of Germanic origins, Emma means “whole” or “universal”.
Its simplicity & elegance, combined with notable bearers like the British actress Emma Watson, have contributed to its widespread appeal.
#9 – Ludovica
A feminine form of “Ludovico”, this name has Germanic roots & means “famous warrior”.
Its stately sound & regal aura might contribute to its favorability among Italian parents.
#10 – Matilde
Derived from the Germanic name “Mathilda”, meaning “strength in battle”, Matilde has been a favored name among European royalty for centuries.
Its balance of femininity & strength make it an enduring choice.
These names, rooted in history, culture, & literature, showcase the richness of Italian heritage & the evolving tastes of its modern parents.
Rare & Unique Italian Girl Names
Of the Italian baby girl names on our list master list, some of the names are still given to new babies every soo often.

So, if youre looking for a name that’s totally Italian, but also unique, these are youre top choices for rare Italian girl names:
- Agnesia
- Assisi
- Cadenza
- Capri
- Contessa
- Cristalda
- Crocetta
- Crocifissa
- Dea
- Diva
- Donna (rare in Italy)
- Ebe
- Edda
- Esmeralda (rare in Italy)
- Eusebia
- Fortuna (rare in Italy)
- Galla
- Guglielmina
- Iseppa
- Meliore
- Nemesia
- Osanna
- Pervinca
- Quirina
- Ravenna
- Rome
- Romula
- Salvatrice
- Sicily
- Siena
- Sofonisba
- Speranza (rare in Italy)
- Toscana
- Venere
- Venezia
And, while these names aren’t quite as rare as the names above, they are still relatively uncommon names for Italian girls today:
- Esta
- Graziosa
- Leontina
Ever heard of an Italian girl’s name like: Talammi ?
Not in this form. But “Talami” is a known Italian surname. It’s also the plural of “talamo,” which means thalamus in English, so it’s certainly a brainy name.